Saturday, August 14, 2010

Best Motherboard For E8400

core self

(M) is a way to "true self"
(Written by YeyoKing)

It was asked in my last thread to see practical examples of self-discovery. Unfortunately (?) There is no magic recipe to no guidance, no 7-day-to-true-self-Workshop. Although ...
In my last topic I've touched on some, like after you, in my opinion, can find his true self. I also have the "ego" briefly discussed, both in the majority but certainly has caused more confusion, since I've only kept very short when it comes to these things. The length of the OneItIs-topic, I wanted it to me and you do not expect the wide-exported. For this, I just wrote this text. Once again, he has become longer than I thought.

0th Preface

The following is only really at the 3rd Point source analysis. As I have written him a lot to me that I must proceed differently here. It is more an essay become a kind of huge train of thought, the explanations I command you. Therefore, I would like to clarify some points:

- I will not let me on policy discussions.
I will not discuss here about the idea of an eternal soul and their possible existence or nonexistence. I do not even mention it says, basically everything about what I think of this doctrine ...

- opinions are no truths, they are what they are: opinions. I
here is to give my views with regard to this issue. In places, slightly ironic / sarcastic. If someone has a different opinion, that's just ok and I will not take away too. I do not claim to know the truth. I know my Truth, other people have different truths.

- In this thread I explain my way to what I call "core self".
see Everybody has his own way up, and there is not no different, after all, the trail leads inward to each IS. Others can only give impetus.

This thread can be an inspiration and direction. It read simply check off and forget does not work. To me it makes no difference whether the person really understands and reacting or not. Everyone should go his way, as long as this makes him happy. But like any of my threads, this is again very long and if you plan not to employ you, so seriously, you save the reading and click on the funny red X top right of the screen.

first The problem

A man has been born. What happens now? He experiences the world through different senses, one after learning his parents, relatives, acquaintances, etc. to know. It takes true then his world and become aware of them. The senses are all directed outwards, it smells, tastes, sees, fässt things that are outside. This is extremely important to understand. The human mind is directed from the beginning to the outside. He is inclined to it's human nature to seek his fortune there, in the "outside". What's this? The newly born child takes the other People perceive and react to it. Thus it is purely from the front of the parents, other children, friends, family and society in general and exemplified impressed what it should have a self-image. You experience the whole environment, your life, "infected" by that body in the man. This is so to speak "their base," which not only the experience of life makes it all possible, but this process also reflected and changed accordingly.

reduced by this constant interaction with the environment, therefore, the self-image. It therefore also very, very different from that environment or the interaction is with her. That is the reason why here of "outcome independent "and" inner game is spoken "when it comes to things like self-esteem is because of this building literally on the sand, when one's own self-image is shaped by the environment

further in the text:.. Self-image develops, then, and the interaction radius of the environment over time increases. kindergarten, preschool, primary school. More and more groups, more and more people, an ever-growing world of its own, in which one lives. Accordingly, also the engagement with the society-ranging ever wider and extended. And our "modern" society provides enough nunmal values, moral values, belief systems, goals and ideals, a life full of several wrong ways to bring.

A man is defined almost everything.
You must look like, then you accept the society. You have to do that, then you accept the society. Is a given, what is desirable and how we achieve that. Basically a person is said: "When you live so you will be happy

." I can not get no satisfaction ... "

But of course there are people trying to break out of it people. to see for another way to be happy. There was the hippie movement that created by using ACID, communities and much, much love "a new consumer-oriented society less wanted. Even today there are certainly still "dropout" as backpackers traveling to India to join there yogis. There are countless types of "escapees society" and all end up, ironically, about to form a new, small Subgesellschaft.

"... I can not get no satisfaction ..."

But let us be the example that affects us all: PickUp. PU learning. We stop.
A small portion of today's society PU has discovered. Each course in its own way, but the backgrounds and developments have often vorzuweisen similar waypoints. PU offers a variety of values, moral standards, techniques, systems, etc. It takes some them, it's another to interact not, go to the environment, but now in a different way and manner. Many also completely re-invent themselves, after all, have now adapted Alpha Properties, the "Game" is understood, implemented and are internalized best. Here lurk again many wrong ways, keyword "social robots" and again is a given (apparently) should be like you. Who really understands MTM, Wind Dancer, flying suicide or Ra, if he is just fresh in the forum and think you've found THE thing at all. Because of the lack of success with the opposite sex seems to be resolved with this pile of material, a solution is at hand and is ready to be implemented. "Success" you can also equal to redefine, for that now expresses itself in Close / Close rates, Flake rates, FBs, mLTRs, etc. In addition, be projected into this area of life often have many other "sites" and you have it, finally found the key to real happiness. can
After some time, many come to a more mature view, it runs great in all areas of life, we have what you always wanted and live a life of which the rest of the population can only dream of. So now is the time has come to be happy, now has one, and found that his purpose in life. Or not?

"... cause I try and I try and I try and I try ..."

certainly for many already. But that will hardly read this thread here, so on ... For other
might seem completely happy, the HB of dreams on the side, everything is perfect. But in them? There is a certain emptiness. Hardly noticeable, but it is not heard when the music in the club once again booming and we abfeiert properly. They feel little, but the adrenaline is, if you look back parachuting, bungee jumping or otherwise pursues an extreme hobby at the moment much more. It must not even be such a hobby, but makes the "game" with all its facets that you can meet ever-new, beautiful women and an orgasm is also very exhilarating. But sometimes, sometimes it is there, the void. An HB is leaving after Lay the apartment, the adrenaline level drops again, the orgasm is over. On bad days, the very emptiness is even high when you are with the LTR, a great wife that supports and loves one in particular, but also with criticism and advice is at your side, holding together just a great woman. You lie in bed at night with her, she is already asleep, but something is holding a wake. This painful, debilitating thoughts that go round in circles and lead nowhere.
Something is there ... or rather, something is not there ...

second The first step

This last example, showing the PU-learning, takes us back to the core of Thing. For whence came the idea that success with women would make him happy? As of this success was defined? By whom? Not only that, generally a busy life, many friends, lots of money, interesting hobbies, where the desire comes next? And why one wants it?
were many people around happy if you were to live a life as I have described above. You can even embellish nor any further. But these people do not face such questions. They live simply questioning her life, little understood even less. You are happy and that's perfectly ok. But others are just not, they go deeper and realize that all these external things, the whole perceptible world have a common nature: impermanence. Every man has to die someday, just like all other organic material is subjected to the constant decline. All things / objects can be taken and a lead but only to possessiveness and fear of loss. As it said Tyler Durden in Fight Club goes: "Everything has what you have at some point you." All these external things are so certain emptiness in themselves, they can forcibly limited time to time and make happy. Some people can easily be forewarned it and then looks towards an even larger void, if the thing about the man once again is gone. Keywords: OneItIs.
One can see everything, know basically designed as the world and still are afraid to admit it and not themselves.

That is why the first step: not only accept the world as it is, but also yourself verspürst
Accept that you're unhappy, or at least in spite of your (really) happy life, a certain inner dissatisfaction. Accept your desire for more, the depth and knowledge and do not be ashamed because of it. Of course, you have therefore not immediately run around outside, with 'NEM sign around your neck "I'm-unhappy". You should also know who you trust to keep up that matter and who you fully co want to talk. Even if you have great, fun friends who like you and that you've experienced a lot, they are perhaps the most completely wrong for such a topic of conversation. And in the end you are the "outsiders", "killjoys", or they simply do not understand you and you will be frustrated. Also you have to learn to accept that.

third The concept

It recognizes that the "outside" one can not give what you really want and turns inward. Oneself. It discusses these "own base" from which I at first have spoken. I have "my base" so analyzed, as I have mentioned already in my OneItIs Thread:
yourself "Break down" even on the important things and explore this in more detail.
feelings, thoughts, opinions, ideas, desires, etc. are not
thoughts constantly, we think all the time and they are more like clouds in the sky, where you can learn in meditation, the pass to watch. Feelings, my dear sirs, are inconsistent also with us, maybe they do not change quite so quickly and dramatically as the cost of the ladies, but also we have an unstable emotions. I need to continue it all, not everyone knows for himself that he change himself and his views and wishes all the time, even if for some longer.

This concept is behind it, when we speak of an "I". Now is also the first Point of the text clearer. But at first he describes how this concept is formed consisting of the interdependence of body and mind only through the interaction with the environment and its reflection. If this is all just an abstract concept, but how can I get the feeling deep inside me, there was a "me"? There is a feeling, it is unstable. Over your life span, it will certainly be mostly stable there, but there are ways to disengage it from this feeling. The man believes what he wants to believe ...
understand this concept, one must when it comes to the core self-penetrate, after which this matter is named. Because one can draw from a volatile real concept of self-worth? Can you rely on something that is always changing and does not stop?
My answer: no. Therefore I knew that I must go deeper. If you agree with me, you still struggling on through my post, because now it gets interesting.

So we have recognized that there is neither external nor internal resistance there. But I do and you a favor and does not right now for the shotgun. The matter goes even further and the shitty feeling you have now, perhaps, is only transitory and is still soft.

So what now? You have the choice between several ideas: first

"What a nonsense that was not right." -> I refer again to the funny red X.

second "I think that's right." -> ZONG. Useless. You have nothing of it and I bit the same.

third "Hmm ... we check the times." -> It is possible!

How can you check it all, then? How can you know if it's true? You have to experience it. And so now comes ...

4th (M) is a practical experience

Enough blabla, we pack it in! Let's assume you have read the previous text, and you really busy what will you do now?


I do not know. No idea what you will do, but I'll tell you what I did. You'll collect all your own practical experience.

So: I recently had the good fortune to be completely alone. Most of my friends and my entire family was away. (No, not all back together without me, but all the scattered members somewhere)
I decided to run from a Friday until the following Monday, a kind of "extreme self-discovery." No TV, no radio, no computer, no cell phone or telephone. No contact with another person. Only my cat was in the house, otherwise I was alone with me. No distractions, no more excuses. Only me. I once had a similar experience, but it was still far from easy.

The first day I was for 'half an hour (where I had breakfast) filled with one thought: "I want to stop!" Oh, wait ... I? The concept ... produces the desired ... why? I am working and I'm thrown back to me, no television, no computer, no people, no sex ... MEANING NO CONTACTS! Aha, there we have the culprit, his name and spirit will sense perceptions. He jumps from one thought to another, like a little chimpanzee and wants to do EVERYTHING, not only with itself . Deal You have to see first patient. Honored and lovingly deal with yourself is a must! Meditate calmly and will not be mad if you're at all, not only in the now. For ideas on keeping with the past or the future. If you completely in the now, there are no thoughts. I meditated also ... eventually calmed my mind a bit, but the first day or less just a "Come Down" was, I could not really deal with myself in the form in which I wanted.

On the second day then I was quiet and meditation led to the first fruits. Because I was the first time realized that I am completely alone. I was kind of alone. I am, was and always will be. The moment no one around me, it just makes me more clearly. Even if they are physically back in my neighborhood, everyone is still on its own. Whether in the disco, at school or elsewhere. Even when sex is all alone with himself, with his feelings. This knowledge can be difficult to get across here, just as you find it difficult to understand. At this knowledge and trying not to be insane by it I worked the rest of the day. And it will continue to do so.

On the third day then came the ultimate self-discovery experiment
I was already completely alone. And I realized that would never change, no matter how many people around me. But I took more. All my friends and relatives are gone. Everyone in my street, my district, my city. All people in our beautiful country. And so on ... I took my mind all that I call "mine." Every item in my room, the room itself, the whole house. All gone. So there I was, completely alone, without anything. Can I be happy? Ah! There was the crucial question ... Can I be so lucky ... Concept ... Let's take away the concept. How we do it? difficult to explain. This is a meditative experience that I have only made very thin rudimentary nibbling at the outermost shell. But it works. Identified you simply can not justify it separates you from everything. What are you separating the concept then? I can read this, it can not tell you unfortunately. Everyone has to experience it yourself. I call it "True self-worth," "core self" or just generally "core". Hence the thread title. I went this way and he led me there. Complete independence from the exterior and interior. No idea how I should explain. If anybody wants to share his experience in this thread, please. I will not influence and therefore consider myself out first.

5th Afterword

I hope I could perhaps give some impetus here and possibly help you. In specific questions about yourself and any problems on your paths to your "core," writes to me 'ne PN or opened their own threads. Please only questions, comments, etc to the content inside post. Share your experiences or opinions on this content with quiet, but that should not be here for a meditation / self-discovery thread. As one can possibly create something.

EDIT: If one has experienced these "core", then you develop a "core self". For in this core, there is no fear, no hope, no desires, no loss, no grief. This core is in all men, perhaps general in everything! There are all equal, all free, there is no More dependencies. No ego. But of course, it is not possible now, the rest of his life to stay there / it. We can not simply migrate to Tibet, we all there to withdraw the rest of our lives meditating in a mountain cave. At some point, perhaps. It would not be the right way, now separated from all his "property" simply because one has recognized him as worthless. Such extremes are to be avoided forever, especially since they are unnecessary. I must now give up everything and not a monk. On the contrary. I have chosen the way for me to take everything and learn to go through everything and understand it. I want to experience the world in all its facets, learn the important to distinguish from the unimportant and me at the end to make use of all free. How will you deliver you from something that you do not know, have not experienced? Not possible and even if only seasonal. There are enough monks in Thailand and other countries after decades in the monastery turn off completely and do everything at once, which they never did. Many are mad because they are 4 years old since they live in the monastery and had to give up everything, no sex, no possessions, nothing. For some it may work, not for many.

We make PU here, too, because we want to seek the representatives of the opposite sex and share with them our way, in any form whatsoever. From it to turn into such a young age, is not well. I've tried and had to painfully learn, how quickly I can fall prey to the world and its pleasures. Is aware of all the experience, knowing what they could and prepared to keep going through it. If you understand the self-concept, you can work with it. Yourself and your behavior to better understand and control. Emotional be independent. Then there is no "I'm angry," no identification with the concept and its facets, but an "aha, a feeling of anger ... why is that?"
etc. Thus, one free and who knows what there all waiting for a ... Therefore, it is unnecessary to go to Tibet (as already suicidal, due to the Chinese occupation ...), because no matter how far we run, where we fly, what we do in the "outside world", the greatest journey is the other one all to ourselves before fleeing. Unless we enter into it aware of our core. Then there is no personality development more, but for personal development. A way that may never end ...



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