Frame - by Astradamus
Hey Community,
I've been thinking for some time, write about this topic.
contributions and statements like "the thread creator had again lost its frame" can be found in large numbers again in various forums.
This article is now an attempt to get this problem from the world and the author hoped maybe even one or the other a small finger-pointing in the right direction to give ...
first Frame - What is that?
First is to understand, especially for newcomers to the forum difficult because what exactly is a "frame" should be, why you need it, and above all why the hell is this strange word can not say in German.
In his excellent book "In Praise of sexism" translated Endless Enigma Frame with the "Basic setting, perception and reality" and then know, that's the literal translation of the word ("frame") the right starting point for understanding.
can basically put that in every form of human action, there is a frame.
I'm writing a term paper on this matter and the question was unfortunately worded somewhat unfavorable. We did not really wanted to have checked what the questioner finally.
So a fellow student and I have independently written the instructor an email to: can (in spirit)
"Dear Dr. xxx
I would like to know how the question is meant ..."
= also this email:
classmate be assigned to a frame, namely: "I'm just a small student and do not understand the question - please help to me. "The answer was a short and clarifying clear, however, it was different than the one I use on my got
Astradamus. (in spirit)
" Dear Dr. xxx,
is Sorry about between us students disagreement their question. On the one hand, one could assume that the exact wording of the questions delineated really only refers to the accompanying figures. However, can be placed against the fact that certain actions in the task would then be unnecessary, although having to be actually tested to make the impression. Over a short clarification, I would be very happy. MFG xxx "
My frame was:" Your Question is unfortunately a lack of clarity. To avoid confusion, they shall give this contact from the world. This
has he done then. Not only for me. For the rest of the students. He has realized his "mistake".
A frame is therefore the framework of an action. A strong frame is the frame of the plot of your personality / perception / reality to give.
second Importance of the frame
The meaning and importance of a strong frames could hardly be greater.
A strong frame determines the success or failure. A strong frame is evidence of a strong personality. A strong personality is attractive to other people (no matter whether flirting, in relationships or even at work).
The frame is very helpful to lead to an interaction and thus to be running in his direction. This "leadership" is one of the basic characteristics of successful men, or put another way, "Alpha" behavior. A strong frame is equivalent to the high value of a human.
You see, a strong frame is very very important for a good, confident and profitable presence.
third The problems and the solutions
The already mentioned in the introduction the main problem with the frame it seems indeed to be selfsame "lose".
This "losing" can process Reasons have. For example, by Shit Tests, drama and manipulation on the part of others.
The frame of a man will always try the other (not just women!), To crush your frame, have suspended.
If you pretend to be, for example, the unapproachable, interesting DonJuan type acts in the first moment, very attractive to women. If you stutter, but to shit on the first test only nochanfängst and explain yourself or nachm first date she and her roommate my nerves with 500 calls a day, you have lost your DonJuan frame. The result is that you have lost all attraction. The value you've assigned to yourself, have you not able to keep. The biggest
Frame problem is that people ascribe to a frame that does not correspond with their character.
If you for example have huge problems with it, to tell a woman that you spend you do not drink and they only just had the merit, this frame is not compatible with your character. The woman will realize instinctively "that's right there is not" and will start up with shit tests pelt. Because this frame, but your character does not equal you will have enormous problems that frame to hold. The result is, you lose your frame and the woman is gone. Sounds logical, right?
It is therefore important to adjust the frame your character accordingly.
I hate bitchy as women. Adults, which by my curse, bucking and what I do not get everything their goals are with me in the wrong address. I will not tolerate such things. I say again in all clarity. If they do not learn from their bad luck. I go on my way. Often the beautiful women go lost. But to right. I feel comfortable with it.
My "anti-women-bitchy-frame is therefore hard as nails and unshakable. Just because it meets my expectations and my claim. Therefore Shit tests are not an obstacle in this regard.
There is also no problem, so here is where you are. You do not have to do the macho extrovert to women to impress. If you convince them with your character, you have the thing in a bag, if your frame is right for your person. You can, after all, almost never lose.
Another problem with the frame are their own beliefs. The basic rule is: "Your frame determines your success" in any forum
As was recently the discussion in the room whether HB9 was too gamen heavier than a 5, I will use this example, to represent the above sentence.
The answer is very simple: It all depends on your frame.
you think you "This beautiful woman gamen I want? Wow, this will also be really difficult. I just hope this goes well. I'm going to my happiness try, but have little hope. "Then it is also unnecessarily difficult to you put you even have stones in the way I mean of course it then more difficult
If you think however..." Wow, this woman like me. I'll go over and get to know. Who knows, maybe she is indeed the woman of my life. Today is my lucky day "it's easy I think it is because actually quite simple. A 5 and 9 are located in at least one thing the same: Both want to have the good fortune to know her dreams and are attracted whom the tools of the abuser can be an effective . If the right one, they are blown away.
The right frame is crucial.
The answer of course not the question whether a 9 to 5 or dragons are different. In general, the answer is this: Of course. Finally, both different people and a successful interaction requires not only action but also the ability to react to the opponent. And this reaction accounts for the difference. Not the look of a woman on a scale of 1-10.
is to hold a next problem is the frame to focus too much put on the opponent.
I'll try that point to the two outstanding posts from Lingasus - "Woman typology, the backgrounds of various female characters" and "female types, from self-esteem and sex drive" by Endless Enigma clarify.
I hereby would like to stress that I find absolutely gorgeous and a lot of posts both could learn from them.
And now, imagine this: You meet this beautiful young woman. Everything seems perfect at first. Due to many great posts like the two mentioned above, can you classify her character too, and know how you have to gamen them. This often quite automatically to your own personality to let the outside before - simply for the reason that the game often got lost, if they think they are not green ". So you do everything to please her too. Since you know how you have to do that, success comes very quickly. You both end up in bed. Everything is great. You weigh yourself in security and open your character. You lose your frame, and the attraction is crumbling.
ago I had a good 2 years Lay with a girl when I quickly realized that I only have success if I give the hard, unapproachable. Of this she was extremely attracted very quickly and we ended up in the box. If I had now become a LTR with it would not have wanted that. A LTR also means quite simply be yourself and not for me to be able to permanently (!!!!) to keep a foreign frame. This issue was just a good friend of mine with a similar woman. Was he the leader who determines what's what and who sees his position on the woman she was blown away. But every time he wanted to let it come to a loving "normal" relationship, he lost the frame of the hard Mackers and the relationship suffered serious harm.
The reverse of the above items is often the case that you do everything to please the woman. It moves you quickly "on foreign territory" and the risk of losing the frame at Shit tests or after a time out of habit is correspondingly large. This effect should be aware of.
I use my knowledge of such content to file if this woman is right for me or not. So I can keep my character based frame again and it is difficult to lose. The value of the result I reach is therefore very high.
4th Conclusion
conclusion can say that it is very important especially for beginners, the frame on your character build and also to always act accordingly. The
serves not only the success in the interaction with other people but also their own character development.
You can, if they suit you, try different frames that we must not throw overboard just because they do not work the first time. In time, then comes the calibration.
As the importance of the frame is really very high, it is important not to borrow the frame but to live it. So you reach the he is hard as nails and your value is significantly diminished . Increase
Finally, I wish with the following words, which may be of interested after reading this post quietly than 2 minutes to go through my head:
"A strong frame - the power to be yourself"
Best regards ,
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