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StudiVZ Guide

StudiVZ Guide - by Velvet

Hi, I'm not a
floor more, but it had a lot of experience and know pretty much how it goes.
few months ago I NEN NEN fairly detailed written guide, as some wanted to know what I'm doing exactly. I think that this brings not only the users Diasandfriends something and it will not withhold you from this.

Well, I'm assuming that their basic techniques PU such as Push & Pull, Comfort Building, etc. knows and controls, for all that you can also use online very well. In addition, I am assuming that you're funny, communicative types that can push open the door to a woman of an entirely new world.

Let's go.

the profile:

thought at first you need an account with StudiVZ. However, you should optimize the


Many friends is always good to have, the more the better, but not complete idiots who throw their profile even from her badly on you.
You are an open, communicative person with many friends, thus ensures that this can be seen in StudiVZ. To the 50 friends you should already have, even better than 100 or more. Many friends = Social Proof. You must be friends with the friends do not necessarily super thick, it would not know real, but something you should connect with you. If there are not that many among you. Do not worry. Tell later how to win a lot of new most attractive female friends.


Many groups have is not necessarily good. Rather less for selected.
The groups are quite important, because they reflect your interests and a fraction of your character again.
sexist, racist, obscene or otherwise vulgar groups just do not throw a good light on you. The fact that you do PU I would do the world is not necessarily known by my membership, just, so that you are single. You may well be in the group members, but makes them invisible. Fun
also groups such as "On the radio they just told by your mother eat at Mac Donald's stuck in the slide are indeed great fun, but too many of them cast a rather dubious light on you.
while "the men dancing and cooking can be great," is a DHV.
So I guess the rationale is clear, if not, ask.
I personally have 100 groups, simply because a lot of interests but damn well over half of them are invisible. My visible reflect my interests and are entertaining, as in 10 "I ride motorcycles" groups are also of limited value.
makes you so interesting. About the groups can be also great way gamen and visitors to his side.


photos are the ideal DHV
- show group shots that its not only friends as in the list you have (you under take so regularly do with your friends)
- Photos of activities
- vacation or travel photos - always makes a good impression if you show that something rumkommt
and open to the world - other photos (such as Artistic photography)
You should of course be taken quite well and of course you should avoid photos where you just reihert in the bowl.
also applies: Better quality, not quantity - 20 good photos are better than 300 mediocre.


Is your site definitely visible, so that everyone can read them. The girls will learn what are good a more open type it, they can not if you have privatized. Also makes you visible, so that they see that you were on their profile. You have nothing to hide and the more women you so on your page attracts, the better.
Nevertheless, I would disable the whole advertising settings. But that's another topic NEN.

The tactics:

StudiVZ is large and offers many possibilities and there are a variety of tactics. The best and most mature I will present you here one by one. But not all day. I have not just given the time. I will take the post here and gradually upgrade to the latest version.

Gruschel Me Back:

The name says it all basically. Your gruschelt indiscriminately and lots of pretty girls waiting for them zurückgruscheln. Gruscheln goes pretty fast and does not cost much effort and you must not be creative.
As you can now come to the profiles in principle no matter, it is recommended not just the complete list of female friends of a girl to take. Is unlikely that it will work with several, but if but if any of the others told you I was there NEN date with NEM totally nice guy, who is so and so and so and so looks from ... Like you? Very bad, you should simply avoid from the outset as possible. If now two or three times by chance know, no problem, because you both is dating is relatively unlikely ... if they do, let's think of you ne good excuse or make NEN Threesome
out of it so you need as many profiles of the Girls not to know one another. One option groups, single groups are, in this wonderful (not to mention the group to hide better, or gives the impression you are obsessively looking). However, any other group of women from your area and similar interests is perfect.
I use but most like the "you know already feature on the homepage. Just so long to "Give it to me baby" click until you come to like and back to "Give it to me baby". I make the most of every night I just gegruschelt up in about 20 new girls have. So you reached the time but damn a lot of girls. If they do not
zurückgruschelt, care. I forget at the moment where I leave the profile after gruscheln again. Only when they
zurückgruschelt or equal rewrites is intersting. If she writes you have to just respond to it, and make ne intelligent, funny and most unusual question. If you can think of nothing, just read profile ... In an emergency you can still standard things like "What does the abbreviation LSV with interests on your profile" or "Have not heard of Fitness economy. What is NEN program? Does that mean if I in 10 min without spending money will decrease 5kg, you tell me how to do that? "Just shows the interest and be Cocky and Funny.
Ah yes, the question often is:

? "Hi, we know"
-> No, but we will get to know soon
or: No, we need to change or
: Hi, I'm the Martin ...

They often ask:

"gruschelst Why me?"
-> Ohh, very simple. You know I want to find out how many Gruschels fit on my home page. You are number 29 ..
(Do I really just ... whether the limit is 50 I find out soon ... have deleted since the beginning of the year more times.)
Is there a thousand other horny answers. Write me your views complements most creative, then I am here.

The gruscheln is really only NEN PREOP. But she has zurückgruscheln with the ever expressed interest in principle. So there you have not necessarily make great flashes of totally sophisticated. Keep in mind: OPENER OF THE MATTER IS TOTALLY!
also in StudiVZ. So I guess the truth usually associated with precious little innocuous compliment. It reached more than enough answers. I do not know how many conversations I started on the way already. Should be well over a hundred.
Other ideas are welcome to bring it on.
provides concrete is then something like this:

Subject: (Is it possible something great Pure write but I do not often enough, or simply gruscheln)

Hi Julia,
I think you look nice and communicative. To find out if it is you really, I write to you.
look forward to your reply.

LG Stefan

That is soo darn simple and primitive that I wonder why not use it for thousands of other types. But it is open, honest and direct. If you do not believe that it funzt, then just try it yourself. Or write me a better idea.
Speaking of ideas are ... but please all times so creative and put the list here all a little about before you use it ... for if the hundreds of times in exactly the same wording of a thousand types written, then the already known and you are immediately out.
Oh, and if by chance you live in Hamburg, then FORGET the easy to the KNOW THE ALL! I've really no idea how many times I have used the thing but the beard iss damn long ...
Well I am now probably something new, there have an idea. Must you always be one step in advance, if I already own competition and make you tell my tricks

Board Game:

It is also possible to simply write to her what a wall post. After which it may respond with ner message but more likely, you write something on the wall. Sounds pretty good to the extent, but has a crucial Disadvantage, your Board is public, that is, A Chick reads what has previously written Chick Chick B and S excited to know that their are other gamed and not only ... So in my opinion, quite sub-optimal ... Anyway, if you want more gamen parallel, which makes most everyone. What is more, that's one of the favorite tactics of the AFCs. Something after Motto:

. "Hey, just wanted to leave some
only times it to a short greeting
LG Stefan"

or containing any "great" pictures of text symbols and chain letters are also popular. A little something more elegant and subtle are there already reviews for her paintings, which are not quite so obvious, but nevertheless related.
So can you do but you do not. Both are very good beginner fit for the Gruschelmetode consider it much better.


Grumser is a variant consisting of gruscheln and Board Game. When I saw this the first time I had to laugh sooo (Credits hope to Donmartin )...( that's okay, if I describe it here ...)
works like this: You gruschelt it normal for them back gruschelt, then you gruschelt back and forth several times and eventually you write something like this in style on the wall ". You were gegrumst"

gruscheln was yesterday, Grumser is today.
Grumser as gruscheln with tongue ...

and then waits easy off and enjoy the reaction. NEN's just a blast and it works ...
Oh, and let you not steal the set ... (I have since one ends up stealing ...)

Number or transition to Close Phone Game:

an answer you get her, then leads a brief conversation, is based on Comfort, asks her something and told her about you. Questions does not mean that you shall lead her NEN interrogation, is building a good entertainment. When closed it very much depends on how and how quickly they respond when they clouded immediately and several times within a very short time you will answer that is more than writing emails, then you can in the bag for about 3-5 messages to . Make I do the most in that I have a HP with the following content dranhängen:

PS: Tell me you spontaneous? And the public? And you have to randomly call pleasure?
I adde up just as a friend, then you will find the number on my profile. Oh yes, these are early praise, if we do not understand well I deleted the back
To be honest I'm just damn curious about how your voice sounds. So
: Call me!
No, I fear no bite.

To arrange this, of course, the number added to your profile. No fear can really only see friends. You can just call and thus must also have no fear that they stalking her then, because they can indeed call with a withheld number. Besides, do you have another NEN hot girl in your friends list (-> Social Proof) ... no matter what if there is later or not ...

is what I do as standard NEN Number Close on StudiVZ.

Sample Dialogue:

Once there was a lot of discussion about the ease of access to the upper floor and get the answer yet, add them as a friend not an issue, but then they call, even though they have the number. Well I would say, then the game was not good enough to be solid and not calibrated. So I thought, in place around here a long time to babbling I give you just NEN example of solid online game. You will see many elements from the normal game, like Comfort Building, repeat again find DHVs etc.. Geneggt I have it but not online, but then all the more real. To put the question in advance, so we had a lot of fun. Kiss and Makeout Close on the first night (comfort I had, and especially by Mayor Phone Game more than enough built up) and then lay within 24 hours. So no sex on the first date, but almost. since only a logistical problem ...
Had So enough of the words, read for yourself and make yourself your own image
Oh yes some non-essential, private details, I've blacked out. And think not only that I Stefan and Anna is ... zurückgruscheln

Hi Anna,
I can no longer, since you have not hidden the
, write back but
How was your weekend, did you just spread out, or celebrated,
comes to the doctor?

LG Stefan

Hey Stefan,

a message is much better than gruscheln

have this weekend to take things more quietly, because it is the next hard enough
... Friday is
abscesses in XYZ, the largest of XYZveranstaltung
year (even more ABCtrinken called our bosses here and there are
's off Saturday on the same. Only at the CBA game and will proceed to
zyz ... morning, I must also have from 8-13 clock in the school for training
and how was your we?
have to scrap a little bit ...
LG Anna

Hi Anna,
am sorry, yesterday not somehow come to the answers. I just rumgeärgert in the university
with XYZ ... ohh how I hate it ... I hope must never be used later in the job
... please do not ...
L. I met last week in the studio. Have NEN-time job in nem
TV studio as XYZ. Well we have recorded for broadcast ne XXZ
. And he was just the talk host. This lasted about half an
hour, all the time was there. The obligatory photo then
I could not let me miss, of course, collect something. Nen few I've already
together now. On the coolest is XYZ, the Jurator
of ZYX. The iss really great mood and totally likeable. As for L.
must admit that I was a happy advance not so intense with his lack
music radio and television. But still, I really
How was your week? And what do the weekend?

LG Stefan

Hey Stefan,
my job make me really fun, this is meant only as a joke.
'm really happy, my colleagues are very nice and it is very diverse.
have not regretted it yet to do the job and can I also think at the moment nothing else

L. I love this pattern, his music is great like his style.
games myself so I find the saxophone and the Big Band always good.
concert last year was encouraging, and in April I also want to go back. yes'm just really jealous
that you have met him in person! :) Make
Do just once more, otherwise I get a warning afterwards ne;) was
LG Anna

Hi Stefan,
not online last night and today in the office I had not made it
had visited girlfriend of ner, which is just now going on. Tomorrow I have unfortunately already
the days but if you again shortly and should have (except Wednesday
because I'm in XYZ) you can always hang just let me know.
Have a nice day.
LG Anna

Hi Anna, I've been wondering ...

Hope you're back on their feet, because tomorrow's is already the weekend
I'm doing great so far, am only just NEN bit jealous ... really wanted
tonight with NEM very good friend to the XYZ ... and calls for
at the last second his girlfriend and has tickets for the premiere of
ABC, tonight .... ARGH ... but tomorrow it's mine all alone ...
finally go out together again. That makes most of new NEN Club
XYZ, and we are on the guest list ... uh ohh I knew
but I have to do something ... Well, then are probably still time to ZYX
as always ... I'm really curious ... I'm looking forward total ...
you wish NEN great weekend.
If you like we can indeed at some point do something together
or so. Let's just call it on occasion times. I add up
just as a friend, then have the numbers.

LG Stefan

Hi Stefan, sorry
was the only way we and the last day was sick in bed
that's even a cool side job!
'd but as I like to exchange with you.
as it was your weekend? My
it was totally cool, but tiring. We had visitors from XYZ
of our chief, and were only on the road. Friday at XYZ in YXZ,
Saturday only at the football and then XZZ. I'm probably as a
taken away, then at least I was flat ...
tomorrow is a lucky Friday again, yay
wish you a nice evening.
LG Anna

Hi Stefan, yes
is already better. 'm still a little cold but otherwise fit ... yes
would also really stupid for we
Hm, that's really stupid to ever be put on such short notice! But then
I wish you lots of fun times tonight! Can you even tell
times as the new club is. Will today make
NEN quiet, must appear tomorrow at 8 again in the "school"
, stupid training ...
Sure, we like to make
here's my numbers:
Mobile: 0190/666666
Home: 060 Fuck me ...
So, go on then first of all have a nice we!
Greetings Anna

Hi Anna,
'm looking forward to tonight.
Wish you a pleasant and stress-free day.

LG Stefan

To be continued ...
Good luck and have fun trying.

far So,

StudiVZ Guide V2.0


I have recently once again a little online game (OG) operated and found that the type of game that I'm going now much more effective as described in the StudiVZ Guide and does not have much in common so otherwise. Approaches which can be found in this old LR, and a recent example in my last LR. I thought that you can read in the last LR my kind of online games very easily be transferred and that the items on their own game. This was also tried, but were omitting crucial elements, among which suffered its effectiveness. Therefore take I just generate the appropriate message, decompose it minutely and explain the various levels and between the principle behind it. But do not expect that makes you just reading this guide to "Online God" condemned heard a lot of practice and perseverance. I personally do not feel that to have truly perfected. So you start with this guide intended for advanced students what you can, You should first become familiar with the basics, this can be found HERE. Do not be confused assumption that contradict some statements in the guides easily. I had to edit the old and really care, but have no rights. If you

OG applying, you should be familiar with some basic rules:

1) order: cover letter, pick number, phone, data, this is the way
(if you have one number to call, let the threat letter. LJBF) Oh yeah, I personally and Yahoo for a detour and a waste of time. Do I have the last two years has never used the dragons.

2) Effectiveness: The aim of the floor to get it as quickly as possible with as little effort and message her number. It's not about the most beautiful, most, or best to write messages. When they arrived to the fact that you get her number and she makes you curious, arrived. If you can do it in a message, perfect. Everything else is a waste of time.

3) Target selection: Select the target thoroughly. This is not to copy and paste messages, but individually tailored messages that you open the door as quickly as possible. Think about well, what woman want to invest in your time. Time is precious. If you are you worth it? When to write, if not next.

4) can qualify: With the letter of the message is investing her time. The message presented here as it has cost me up to the finishing touches on a half hour. Something like that you can not send any. You want a very high likelihood of response. Therefore, all qualify. In StudiVZ can The wonderful think about the gruscheln. Gruschelt them back, can you think about her writing. If she does not think it did not even think to do something for them.

5) No Smalltalk: Do not try to involve them in endless small talk with a keyboard. You are a man, not a keyboard jockey. You want the number, they take to ... A minimum of Attraction but above all to build interest is good, but for everything else you have a phone or a cafe.

6) be consistent: If it does not respond, then let them. They will have their reasons. No answer is also an answer. I tick after a week at most once for a moment, then if still nothing comes next. No matter how well your message was how awesome it looks. Begin simply not to stalk her. Never!

7) No Negs: Forget Negs upstairs. You do not know the woman can not even begin to calibrate and can not even hug, etc. around the back to do well. Negs bring you the target number to not have continued in the shortest possible time. They will break up the neck.

8) Cocky and Funny: Can you use when you know how to do weaves sent. But not in excess. Is a question of calibration. I will explain the example in more detail later.

9) Push and Pull: If you use more than a minimal. In the text-only communication I use this if at all only marginally. In the phone call obviously, a mass scale.

10) Princess: Give her the feeling to be something special, they umwerbt individually. And you do not give the feeling to be mass produced in the ye vollspammt with just the mail that got all her friends too, and where not even her name is in there, but only "Hi" or worse, a wrong name. Even if you want just sex from her, she umwerbt after all the tricks. Even if women only want sex, they want to be courted. This is balm for their egos. Caresses it. Petting the kitten.

These are my ten personal rules. I think you have now understood for what Principles I operate this type of game.

I have selected the following message as an example because it perfectly from my point of view. I have just sent her a message, never received from her, but a text message, phone call and they gelayed the next evening at the first meeting. So there was really only this one message that has saved me writing more. This is effective for me.

Except for the name that is the original message. In each red my comments.

Hi Julia,
you suffer from verbal incontinence?

An allusion to a group, they speak is just such a chatterbox like me. Creates the same things in common to the beginning. She feels very beginning of my cause.

Cool, me too and thanks to you I finally know how to call my occasional flashes Laber ... My friends want me NEN gag for a birthday, you mean to exaggerate? So, I think that respond totally about ... This

I just want to bring just laugh and show her that I have humor and be damned to me to have fun. If you like, Cocky and Funny.

dignity get to know you, but I know what I want and how to seduce women, I put myself on the front. What's the matter, the EMANNzipation.

An allusion to one of its groups, According to the real men know how to seduce women. I combined that with another, where was it, that I should hire me back when I want something from her. But since I know what I want and how to do it, I just put myself on the front. This shows self-confidence but also experience and audacity. According to the motto: "I get just what I like."

temptations should give you, that's right ... But if your temptation is to put me in handcuffs and chained naked to any fitness machine, and you're talking you out so that you're not crazy but only educator, I'll give you back tomorrow.

An allusion to a quote, which states that one should yield to temptation, because who knows if the opportunity ever comes again. The following sentence is an allusion to the fact that they are in Group handcuffs, has the same fitness club is, as I do that she is a kindergarten teacher and we do so, and that one of them away, they guaranteed again be back tomorrow would. What I did, I did it all vermixt wild, supplemented with imagination and she accused was a Sexmonster and would tie me naked to any fitness equipment ... I really do not know, but I have to put it to introduce myself naked, in some sex games and she has handcuffs, it caused this addition is the whole scene so absurd that it must continue to laugh, what makes me more sympathetic in their eyes. And shows the whole thing that I deal with sexuality very open, and all consider it possible. I have imagination and I have made you curious ...

Speaking of Fitness Club XY will, tomorrow most of the day as well and get in the sauna and relax. Since I have to read the rest boring scripts. But I suspect you're much more interesting than ABC and NEN damn good reason to neglect a little ... So I think of you I will distract myself. Do I really

. The day was really there, independent of it. It is made specifically to deal as it would be me to meet tomorrow. Consider: "What am I doing, I fit it?"

you can find me on the yellow chairs down when you walk by the swimming pool. 'm Probably there by 10 bis 18 clock unless it goes with me forth again just really hot and I sit in the sauna. , There remains only the question of how shy you are and if you grab them with opportunities both hands. Who knows when they come back ...

you are considering not only how it would be me tomorrow to meet, but me tomorrow to take naked in the sauna ... She stands naked in front of me again. If you like, I put an anchor on the aspects of naked and meetings. They also wonder at the boldness and self-evidence, with which I propose her ... Represents an extreme self-consciousness out. Keywords Alpha. And the message: "I have chosen you and I will meet you tomorrow," Then I put her in return that, so here it is and invite them to prove me wrong by coming.

Oh, and if you're standing in front of me and I do not at first recognize, then I'm blinded by your beauty on the one hand, on the other hand I have my eye not just on

At first a compliment but then links with a small side-swipe, and thus a joke. The case for which one is NEN nudge in the ribs and then captures with her laughs about it ...

Oh yes and no, this is not a immoral offer. But as you write like drunken embarrassing text messages and I love to laugh, I'll give you just my Nummer...01xx/xxxxxxx. Do not worry, I do not bite, I'm just honest open and direct, and I know what I want.

So I put it all on the crown after it has me chained handcuffed naked presented in the gym and played with the idea has to meet me in the sauna, I say that is not indecent proposal ... Irony ... in fact it is an indirect Indecent Proposal and she knows it. Containing only one with style. With the embarrassing drunken text message, which is an allusion to their group and I like habs used to give her my number. Another way to get their as quickly as possible. The last sentence of the talks again, which it has anyway already read between the lines. But also says that I am aware of its perfect. "I know I'm Alpha." Only makes sense, because it is already come before saying it, but the repeated again and instilled that in her brain.

And now you're flat, right? Has not written something you never NEN type, right?

Shows that I understand them and know exactly what they're thinking. Keywords: "I know what women think and in combination with the previously" and I know what they want. "

Can you avenge yes tomorrow and try me with your handcuffs to chain somewhere. Until tomorrow.

Repeat the handcuffs again, the imagination in the gym ankere deeper. I'm also a bit funny about it. they get angry a little, they tease (not negg !!!). And I am firmly convinced we'll see you tomorrow, because I leave no doubt.

LG Stefan matter of course, question the nursery

PS: I smell good ...

allusion to a group, according to the good smelling men bring to mind ... says it again only this: "I'm up to the mind" to be related.

I summarize the key elements together again. I'm from their groups, a written text tailored exactly to them. The only fit for them, I wrote it just for them. I have devoted their time. That is a distinction. I make things in common, I bring them right to the beginning to laugh. This creates sympathy and connects. I play with their imagination. She gets to know properties from me to write instead: "I am a confident, funny man with imagination," I prove it to her almost by deeds. I ankere feelings. I'm damn brash, and confident, suggest a meeting, the same for tomorrow. It has to set to address it as a meeting with me. I sit her from the start in his head: "We will meet" Furthermore, I simply enjoy writing, flirt and she noted.
That's the obvious. But the second level, the Sexual and how I deal with it ... completely relaxed and normal. But it is woven skillfully. You think about that in the very first message about sex, perhaps unconsciously, but therein lies the power. You can not control their needs, their desires, as long as it is not her conscious and she is aware, it's far too big ... In it the art of the sexual is imperceptible, but weave with class. This will also make it interesting, stimulating, like playing with fire. Something wicked, forbidden ...

And who does not like doing something illegal and is playing with fire?
In that sense, playing with the fire guys.

far So,



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