Good morning good morning, good morning sunshine
8.40 and I am NOT working at the time! And I have no class! Would not that be the best Wednesday ever? But no, the attentive reader has certainly already occurred, so that today is a half day again. Does brats ham only up to 12 school.
But no time for Motz arias, there is much to tell me before I get up and Brutzel n Pancake:)
For example, that on the 8th with the flight December has worked! Here are my flight details:

On Friday I got the baggage to the party smuggled into the Intercontinental. Secret behind it: Extreme motivation.
The snake was in fact doomed long before that and in there anyway overcrowding was, was no light at the end of the tunnel to identify. On top of that even has gebibbert the dead bride! And then when it has not even made the coke grain to warm myself, we are somehow through the parking garage, offices and any Blumenpötte come to the party! Tada!

daaaaaaaan and I was about the happiest people in the world:)
Linnea and I were namely the Florence + the machine concert at House of Blues! And again, the attentive reader may be picked up by an asterisk, because jaaaaaa is one of my favorite bands!
Actually I had been internally prepared that this is nothing to Florence. Had, in fact no tickets and the internet wars are also far too expensive. The prices were between $ 180 and $ 240, which was quite a tiny bit too expensive for church mouse Hannah.
But someone said at some point that there is a law in Massachusetts that requires at such events are sold at box office tickets must. So match heaps stoked the fire of hope and off to Boston!
Since we already found a free, free parking had (a miracle), I thought that on the day definitely was my lucky day and I am full of anticipation to checkout getänzelt to check then the next moment "SOLD OUT". Na madness. From the corner of my eye I could see Linneas lower lip tremble slightly and I am sure that I am my free parking could not watch anymore.
The moment of absolute disappointment but also quite quick story, when suddenly a nice woman from nowhere, but also called as you showed up and said to "take Ah, but then these 2 tickets!" and has thus given us time just 2 tickets! The seal-clapping and jumping children to read because it really no longer suppress :) A bit messy just that Linneas ticket for the 1st Floor and the floor was mine. But we was there (at the moment of take-no-can) rather Wump I can tell you! :)
alarmist then appeared to only once, when the scanner of the ticket-scanner-man instead of the happy BEEP BEEP made only buzz buzz when I held out to him my ticket. Problem was but then after a few seconds and panic again Unterlippengezitter resolved quickly and we have to in the first Floor made. Since we were at the time when half arrived in the reality that we liked it but not so hot so far to be away from the stage when one actually has a floor ticket ... So what then? Streak stretched again until it stops, steps down, innocently placed, German Aktzent pushed to the absolute limit, bouncers put off from the ground floor my ticket, stammered something in the sugar-sweet and Tönchen hahaa! We both got in!
on this little roller coaster ride with a happy ending was then first eaten a pizza and beer drinking:)
First Act was then Hanni El Khatib apparently knows and likes the no bad but I found him quite well. Second in the evening were then Smith Westerns . Seem totally cool and so ". They had me with the cruel beep when too close to the guitar goes to the mike (you know) to the Bar lost. But that's not a shame: D And
daaaann Florence came on stage and has the perfect tour provided!

That was certainly the best concert in my life!
Linus Torvalds, if you read my blog and translate with google: concerts, too.

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