So So last week I have absolutely nothing to report, I've kept the whole time, only the devil. But the weekend had Brolle emulate much!
Friday we ate endless candy in Sofia. Before Christina and I have not baked a vegan cake. You wonder now safe, "he? Vegan cake? So without eggs, butter, milk chocolate? "Yes. even more difficult is the things to make good tasting if you have ingredients not have the right and both really suck squeeze has to find suitable substitute. probably would be the cake, despite the (rerept loud! !) containing acetic was not bad, we would not purely done so much rum:) hehe

Saturday morning / lunch / afternoon I have completed the zweitnervigste Class around the world. So no more this:
that you love so america!
Saturday evening, I then got the funniest evening spent quite some time. Short version: Were neatly in blue bell in hand, and then ham wa taken extremely funny guys that could not handle the gps but knew that soothes Brolle with ner fries ever gets. I know nciht, obs on alcohol was, but I think I've laughed two hours at a stretch:)

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